Distance of major cities from Jaisalmer
The below list contains the km distance from Jaisalmer o major cities and some popular tourist points, which you might be planning to visit soon.
1. Jodhpur
- Distance from Jaisalmer: 290-300 km
- Time to reach: 5-6 hours
2. Jaipur
- Distance from Jaisalmer: 560-600 km
- Time to reach: 10-11 hours
3. Udaipur
- Distance from Jaisalmer: 500-550 km
- Time to reach: 9-10 hours
4. Sam sand dunes
- Distance from Jaisalmer: 40-50 km
- Time to reach: 30 mins
5. New Delhi
- Distance from Jaisalmer: 770-800 km
- Time to reach: 14-15 hours
6. Ahmedabad
- Distance from Jaisalmer: 550 km
- Time to reach: 10-11 hours
7. Bikaner
- Distance from Jaisalmer: 330-350 km
- Time to reach: 6-7 hours
8. Kota
- Distance from Jaisalmer: 650-700 km
- Time to reach: 12-13 hours
9. Agra
- Distance from Jaisalmer: 800-825 km
- Time to reach: 14-15 hours
10. Chandigarh
- Distance from Jaisalmer: 825-875 km
- Time to reach: 15-16 hours